Sunday Night 28/7/2013 : the BLOCK buster night of the year. Australia are you ready?

Sunday Night 28/7/2013 : the BLOCK buster night of the year. Australia are you ready?
After a huge week of team work the first week of ground floor renovating is complete and the judges’ scores are in. First place $20,000 off reserve was won by…
The Block Sky High Open for Inspection day. Your one and only chance to come down and see theses amazing apartments for yourself.
The teams reveal The Block Sky High Terrace this week.
After a huge rush and a sleepless night for most, the terraces are ready for the judges verdict. This week’s prize is a surprise to the Blockheads, and the winners are the envy of the four remaining teams.
The teams reveal The Block Sky High Foyer and Laundry this week.
As the blockheads race to finish their Foyers and Laundries some teams are confident of a win while others are confident of a loss. But as Scotty reveals the judge’s scores there are surprises in store for everyone.
The Block Auction Date has been announced and the Open for Inspection Dates are sure to follow soon. So if you’ve been asking yourself “When is The Block Auction?” well now you know.
Visit again to be the first to know.
Will you be coming along to have a look at The Block Sky High yourself? Previous years have seen tens of thousands attending. Comment below.
The Block 2014 has been announced and casting is open. For those Blockaholics that were holding their breath you can breath out now.
Following the success of The Block Sky High, The Block is looking for applications for 2014
If you think you know what you’re in for becoming a The Block contestant, think again.
To register your interest and for more information, please email [email protected]
The teams reveal Living and Dining Rooms this week.
Neale Whitaker declares one of the rooms to be perfect.
But as the teams anxiously wait to find out who the winners are, Scotty announces a very unexpected twist.
hockingstuart once again finds itself at the Top… of The Block. We’re excited to be the official agents of apartment number 5 of The Block Sky High – the Penthouse.
They have also announced this great competition.
WIN an exclusive inspection with Trixie and Johnno followed by a night’s accommodation for two in the exclusive Regent Suite at the luxurious Westin, Melbourne on Saturday 13th July 2013. Includes breakfast at Allegro restaurant. [ENTER HERE]
Matt & Kym are close to securing the services of the auctioneer with the record of winning 2 out of the 3 The Block Auctions including Phil & Amity’s. He certainly gets great auction results. “We potentially have that guy”
Alisa & Lysandra
Alisa & Lysandra have chosen Dingle Partners to represent Level 1/142 Park Street South Melbourne [CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LISTING]
The rest of the contestants haven’t announced as yet but we’ll keep you informed.
Who would you choose to auction your house? Comment below!
Madi & Jarrod
Bec & George
The Block Sky High – Kitchen Reveal
Emotions run high as the teams battle to finish their kitchens and one couple has goods stolen from their apartment. The hard work pays off as the winners Trixie & Johnno score a perfect ten from one judge and take home a much needed $10,000
The winners for the week were Trixie & Johnno by 1/2 a point from Alisa & Lysandra